Thursday, July 12, 2007

Stuff, Stuff and More Stuff!!

Greg and I have been married for 13 years and this move will be our 8th!! We have been in our house for 4 1/2 years, by far the longest we have been in one place. With all of our experience moving we have learned how to weed out, throw out, give away and sell lots of stuff. I thought we ran a pretty tight ship but some how stuff just appears. It is kinda like the Tribbles episode of Star Trek if any of you remember that. Every time you open a cupboard, more stuff falls out, often quite literally, LOL!!

The boys are at camp this week so Greg and I used the time to prep for a garage sale that we are having the next three days. We figure it will fund the new stuff we will probably buy after we move!! Aren't we such silly creatures?! The morning was a steady flow of people taking all my stuff to their new home. I shed no tears, all I see is one less box to pack and move. It was brutal earlier this week prepping because of the crazy heat and humidity but today it is a beautiful sunny, yet cool day.

Greg and I are taking advantage of the kidless week by having dinner out each night. We saved some gift cards just for the occassion and have enjoyed our time immensely! On Tuesday we went out with Mom and Dad to celebrate their 43rd wedding anniversary. What a great meal that was...flaming peaches and all. Last night we got together with some friends to have dessert and play some games. I so enjoyed making a fool of myself playing charades! Good thing they are friends!

That post from Greg is coming, I am going to send him in shortly to take care of it. I know you will enjoy the photos of their trip to the mountains.

An item for prayer, if you feel so inclined. I spent Monday on the phone with lawyers, bank people and such making sure all our ducks are in a row for the closings in two weeks. It all seems to be on schedule but the bank guy had to throw in there that only 50% of closings happen as scheduled. Well, that is why I am calling keep you on track!! If you could, please pray that we are the part of the 50% that do close as scheduled. If it doesn't it will affect our vacation and that is not cool!
Here is a picture of the boys as we dropped them at camp. Their friends Max and Frank are there this week as well. They couldn't get rid of us fast enough!!

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