Saturday, August 25, 2007

Random Ransomville Thoughts...

** Who knew R-ville had such wonky weather?? One minute it is gusting, the next minute the air is dead. One minute the skies are clear, the next minute it's pouring rain, sometimes with a good thunderstorm thrown in. I miss my overhanging roof line! Whenever it rains it is a game to see how fast we can shut all the windows because it rains right in. You can not leave the house with the windows open because a freak downpour may happen while you are out.
**Who knew cupboards could be so nasty?!!!!!!!! My kitchen cupboards are original to the house (1960) so imagine 47 years of grease and grim, ewwww!! Seriously people, the handles were so bad your fingers could become permanently attached to them when you reached for a snack. We had to buy new handles, there was no way around it. My kitchen may be small but there was room for 38 handles!!!! Josh helped me to take all the old ones off today and then I used up an entire jumbo box of Magic Erasers trying to scrub the aforementioned grim off the doors and drawers. Then I used a wood cleaner and after that a wood conditioner. Then we put the new handles on. Now I can tell they look way better but some of you would demand a kitchen remodel before you'd ever consider moving in here. I tried to demand a remodel but got no where fast! If any of you come upon a large, unexpected windfall of money could you remember my plight? I was just short of cursing my tiny kitchen today or at least cursing the people who never cleaned it!! It's just stuff, just a kitchen I tried to tell myself but I realized I struggle with it so much because the kitchen is where so much of my ministry takes place. It's the place I cook for guests, the place I bake breads to give away, the place where tomorrow I will be giving a 9 year old girl from church a cooking lesson. I think I shall begin praying today for a solution.
**Who knew how much I would miss my dishwasher? Actually, I did, LOL!! In a small kitchen you can't let dishes pile up so I am constantly washing dishes. If I had my nails manicured my lady would be pulling her hair out!! The boys memory is about 10 seconds when it comes to remembering which cup they used last!! Mind you they mostly use it to get water from the tap but heaven forbid they don't use their cup!! It demands a new one every time. As soon as I find my label maker they are getting personalized cups pronto!!
**Who knew my husband would love the country so much? He cracked me up when he thought 2 days to the "city" in one week was overload for his system, LOL!!! A man and his sweet it is.
**Who knew I could have noisier neighbors than the last ones?? Our last neighbors had a Weimaraner and it had a loud, deep bark. It was especially annoying at 6am. Our new neighbors have chickens (no roosters) that make quite a racket. When the chickens are napping, the dog is barking like crazy and when the dog finally wears himself out the squawking indoor bird fills in the void. If only they had told us the Ransomville Zoo was next door! I'll be talking to my realtor about that.
**Who knew time could fly by so fast? For being in a new place where we don't know anyone, have no social life to speak of, and a relatively blank calendar of appointments, time is just whizzing by. Maybe it's all the fumes from the cleaning supplies I am using everyday, it's putting me in a strange state of mind. No, wait, that is normal for me, LOL!

On another note, Dad came out Thursday and helped Greg install one of the new garage door openers and a new outside light over the garage. Today Greg was able to install the other opener as well as the key less entry. He also tapped the water line in the basement so I can have my ice maker running again. It was a good day of projects. On our way to deliver some homemade spaghetti sauce to Pastor Bill & family we noticed a snow blower for sale on the side of the road. It was a Craftsman 2 stage something, something. Anyway, the sellers are moving and were only asking 50.00 for it. Guess who the proud new owner of a snow blower is?? The theory goes that if you buy a snow blower it won't snow enough to use it. That sounds like a great use of 50.00 to me!

Are you still with me?? Bless your heart! That's all my tired fingers can muster tonight. All that scrubbing did me in. Thanks for checking in with us!


Amy said...

Tracy you were cracking me up this morning. We miss you guys and would gladly drive "to the country" and sit in your grubby kitchen and drink strawberry freezes!

Melanie said...

Tracy, I was sad when I couldn't come say goodbye to you guys before you left. I wanted to wish you a "happy move", although after 6 of them myself, I don't know if that's possible. =]I'm glad you made it there in once piece though and that things are slowly becoming normal. I know what you mean about time whizzing by. It's the same here!
Anyway, I love you all and I'm so glad that I found your blog. Keep in touch.