Sunday, December 9, 2007

Movin' Along...

These are busy days, the kind where you need more hours in the day and more energy to go with it! I find that I can get easily overwhelmed by my mental "to-do" list. When I get overwhelmed, I get a bit cranky. Ask my family. Actually, don't ask them, I am sure they would say "a bit" was an understatement! It is one of the things about myself that I rather loathe. Getting cranky doesn't serve me or my to-do list well at all. It doesn't win me any points with the family either. It is an ongoing battle for me and I know God is not going to let me off the hook in this area of my life. I am such a sloooow learner. But I plod forward. I am examining my list, what is essential and what is not. I really wanted to have my Christmas cards out early this year since most people on my list don't realize we have moved. It's not gonna happen. We just put our tree up yesterday, 2 weeks later than my mental calendar said we should. The hand stamped gifts I had hoped to make aren't even started. My mothers gift will never get to Germany in time. Baking, what's that?? Seriously, friends, my eye was twitching due to all the things that weren't getting done on my list! Sillyness I tell you! God gave us enough hours in the day and the talents he wants us to have to accomplish what he sets before us. He does not give me more than I can handle, I do. So now I am asking different questions. What, Lord, do YOU want me to do today?? How can set about accomplishing the tasks set before me? How can I let go of the things that are on my list but not on God's list? I know this, but need frequent reminders (because I am slooooow, remember?) that God's peace dispels crankiness. God's peace comes from time spent with him and doing what he has called me to do. Not more, not less. I get cranky when I am outside the bounds of what he has called me to. Why oh why, do I continue to step outside those bounds?? I used to think the Israelites must have lacked a nugget in their happy meal because it took them 40 years of wandering in the desert to get to the promised land. That journey could have been a 2-3 week trip had they gone straight and claimed God's best. But no....they went in circles and wandered aimlessly. They thought they had a better way. They got cranky. Now I know I am no different. My happy meal is short several nuggets, LOL! I don't want to wander for 40 years until I get it. Lord, help me to get it. When I pray in the mornings for God to pave the way for my day, to set his tasks before me and to give me the energy and desire to do those tasks, I have a great day. I am not cranky. I feel satisfied at the end of the day knowing I worked at those tasks to the best of my abilities. I amazingly, don't have guilt over the things I didn't get done. Oh that those days were greater than the others.

I wanted to share one of my favorite Christmas decorations with you. This is a nativity set that was given to us by Parkminster Church as a going away gift. It is even more special because Mary Jane Preston picked it out for us. It was made by hand from clay. Isn't it darling?? It is so precious to me. It sits near the 3 ceramic angels that we were given by a congregation member when we left the church in Florida. I enjoy memories of those people and places each year when we decorate for Christmas.

Things around the house are movin' along. We asked the man who installed the septic system back in 2001 to come tell us about maintaining it. We have never had a house with a septic. He was a nice man with colorful language but he was quite helpful. One of our concerns is a huge willow tree in the back yard. My brother immediately thought it could be an issue for our septic and since he knows water, we made mental note. Mr. Septic told us he had advised the homeowners at the time to remove it. The shallow roots of a willow can be very destructive to your pipes. Their response was to let the next homeowner deal with it. Seven years and 3 homeowners later, I guess it falls on us. It is a lovely, shade providing tree, but taking it down seems way better than the $15,000 it would take to replace the septic system. Greg will tackle that job in the spring. Mr. Septic will return in the spring to empty out our tank and dig up the tree stump if we'd like.
Last night I was in the basement and discovered a leak coming from the main pipe going out to the septic. When Greg got home he took a look at it and discovered that there are holes that have pitted through the copper pipe. It's a big pipe too, at least 3" diameter. It's a big job I am sure, not just a leaky joint. We are waiting until the morning to call a plumber. I am glad that I found it sooner rather than later!

I hope you all are well and preparing for the celebration of Christ's birth!

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