Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Today we celebrated Kaleb's 12th birthday! Where does time go?? I remember the day he was born. We were living in Ft Lauderdale and it was the Tuesday after Easter. Mom was visiting with Gram, hoping that grandson # 2 would come while they were there. We gave mother nature a bit of help and scheduled to be induced. The hospital was just a couple of blocks down the street so Greg and I got up, ate breakfast and walked to the hospital. It was already quite balmy.

I don't recommend being induced when nothing is happening yet, it takes awhile and seemed to be extra painful. Joshua came so fast there was no time for an epidural so this time I was prepared. What I didn't count on was that it wouldn't work! ARGH!! Two babies, no pain meds. I am woman...hear me scream, lol!! Finally around 4:30pm we had a baby to hold. Nathan Christopher was the name we had chosen. Yep, you read that right, Nathan. But once we looked at him we knew the name did not fit. Babies come out all shrivelly and a bit Yoda-like so why Nathan wasn't as good as any other name I can't tell you. It just didn't fit. It took another day to decide he should be called Kaleb Christopher. Kaleb with a "k" so he could be nicknamed KC (which he has never taken to, go figure!) and also because it was the spelling in the German Bible. He was beet red for many days and had a bad case of jaundice but several doses of Florida sunshine took care of that. Look at this young family...ahhh the memories.

And now here we are, 12 years later. He is growing each day into this incredible young man. He still doesn't like attention to be focused on him but he is sly. You gotta watch him. And a goofy sense of humor. He laughs easily and often, I like that. We have so many silly moments. Here is one such silly moment...he took the bow from his present tonight and fashioned it into a mustache, lol.

He works hard at his school work even though he would rather be outside playing hockey. He runs super fast. He gets grumpy sometimes but I can hardly fault him 'cause he gets that from me. He still hugs his mom! I hope that part never ends. He says please and thank you most of the time. He has blue eyes that will melt the girls someday if they don't already! I'm not ready for that yet though. He is one special part of this family.

Josh celebrated something rare and super cool today as well. While he was outside practicing with his bow he managed to shoot a "Robin Hood" which is when you shoot an arrow directly into the end of another arrow. He was so excited he almost won't mind the fact that he has to go spend money to replace the arrows that are now permanently fused as one. He immediately hammered some nails into his bedroom wall so he could display it.

I missed posting about Greg's birthday three weeks ago. We cooked up some delicious steaks and asparagus. Mmmm was that a good dinner. The following day we enjoyed a walk along the Erie Canal. The canal is still drained but we were so glad to have nice weather we just had to get out and enjoy it. Daisy enjoyed it too! She quickly forgot all her walking training, there were simply too many things to see and smell...ducks in the canal, dogs on the path, flowers in the grass, ducks in the canal, did I mention the ducks? By the time we returned home we were all tuckered out, even the dog.

That about gets you caught up about life in Ransomville. We keep chugging along. Hope you are too!

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