Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Month in Pictures

As much as I may try, I am not Superwoman! We've been way too busy this last month to write about it! Here is a quick recap...

May 7th Greg and I celebrated 16 years of marriage. I was recovered enough from surgery to go out to the Olive Garden for lunch.

We have been doing the usual spring yard clean-up. It is nice to see things green again. While pulling weeds Greg happened upon this...
a nest of baby bunnies. They were so new their eyes were still shut. He covered them back up and that night momma bunny came and relocated everyone to a better pad. We counted 7 but think there may have been as many as 10-12.
Chris and Ethan came up for a few days of fishing. They caught several salmon. Here are the boys with their first catch. We enjoyed the fish for dinner the next night...mmm.
Over the Memorial Day weekend we took our new-to-us pop up camper to Lighthouse Christian Camp.
There was lots of this...
Notice the string Greg is holding? It was fastened to the tree so he could swing himself!
Josh actually slept in his hammock all weekend rather than inside with us. Can you say Boy Scout??
We ate the best donuts on the planet. They were fresh from the Amish market and I think we would have bathed in them if we could have, lol.
We are plotting when we might have them again.
On Sunday Greg flew down to Charlotte where he is now several days into his first session of his doctorate program. He is immersed in lots of reading and learning. Reality is setting in that we are in for a long road but we'll have to take it one day at a time.
That brings us to the latest, Josh celebrated his 14th birthday yesterday. One of the things on his wish list was a whole watermelon. So Kaleb gifted him one whole, seedless watermelon. He simply cut it in half and ate it with a spoon!
He said it was as good as he hoped it would be!
The boys are now just days away from finishing up school. We will soon have a high schooler in our house. Ack!! Double Ack!!
From now until the first week of August our calendar is jam packed. I hope to post before then but you know how it goes sometimes. We hope we have lots of fun stories to share!

1 comment:

Elissa said...

SO excited that you have a pop-up! The string with the hammock made me giggle...only a Harp would think of that! I'm glad we are not the only family too busy to stop and breath. Enjoy the sunshine!! We miss you much!