Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy Monday!

Only a day late this week! How are you?? We are doing well. This post is a story in pictures. We did get a bit of snow here last week, enough to finally do something with and the boys are thrilled. They spent several hours outside with Greg on Saturday building this snow fort. they used buckets and plastic storage totes to create "bricks". Isn't it great?! We are in for one warm day this week, I hope it holds up.

What is this? Do you know?? Have you ever eaten one? We have been trying out different foods lately, making a fun time of it. The boys have been playing along and after trying something we each give it a thumbs up, thumbs down or neutral, in other words edible but not so sure we care to again =). This time it was horn melon. Greg picked this one. The little card at the grocery store said "a jelly like consistency with a taste of banana and cucumber". I kinda knew just by the description I wasn't going to be a fan of it. The "jelly-like" was all I needed to hear. And who ever heard of ANYTHING that combined bananas and cucumbers?? But God did make this too, so we tried it. It surprisingly didn't get any thumbs down, it wasn't gross, but it didn't get any thumbs up either. I can't really describe it any better that the store did, they were right on. I dare you to try it! Here is our score board of foods tries thus far:

pomegranates: thumbs up from everyone
egg nog: Kaleb was the only real fan
brussel sprouts: I roasted them and Josh was the only thumbs down, the rest of us loved them

Last week the ladies from church had a night out at a paint your own pottery place. We had a fun time talking and painting our pieces. I did a mug and just loved how it came out. We plan to go back again and I plan to make more mugs until I have a set. What do you think?

Have a great week!
How 'bout them Giants??

1 comment:

Elissa said...

The horn melon scares me just to look at!! The mug...I love! Looking forward to seeing you in two weeks...we need to talk more often. It was great!