Sunday, January 27, 2008

It's Sunday!

I know, I missed last weekend. It was a holiday weekend and we were busy lovin' on nephews so I think that gets me off the hook =). Chris, Melissa, Ethan and baby Logan came for the long weekend. We had a very relaxing and fun time. We celebrated with a cake one night since me, my mom and Melissa all have January birthdays. Really, it is just an excuse to eat cake. I made a chocolate cake with white frosting and Ethan insisted it have sprinkles on top. Melissa and I stamped the nights away, oh it was such fun! The boys played non-stop, Lego's, Playmobile, dart tag, hide n go seek. The weather was bitterly cold out so we all opted to stay inside. The only bummer was discovering a leak in a pipe in the basement. Yes, I had discovered one a couple of weeks ago, this was a different leak. My brother did a temporary repair to tie us over until Greg or his dad or a plumber can fix it right. Now that I think of it, Dad has sworn off plumbing. Drats!
Greg missed the fun at home because he was away speaking on the Pearce teen retreat. By the sounds of things he had plenty of his own fun. He phoned on Monday and reported they had 18" of fresh snow where they were. Our ground was brown, no snow, just bitter temps. He took one of the boys from our church with him and he had no problem finding a place in the crowd of strangers. Greg was so thrilled to see so many kids he knew and to catch up with what has been going on in their lives.

I have been very busy with some new opportunities. I was asked a few weeks ago to be a featured designer for Whipper Snapper. More specifically to help promote a new set of stamps illustrated by Anna Wight. Anna asked 5 of us to design samples for the release which took place this past Wednesday. It was such a great joy to be asked to be a part of this release. I have long been a fan of Anna's work, she is amazing at illustrating, photography and stamping.
I have also been asked to write a tutorial for a new product. The tutorial will be posted to their website in the next couple of weeks. I completed the first draft of it tonight and it is on it's way to the company owner. I am praying it doesn't require many changes, it was a long process to put it together. When I get the go ahead, I will tell you the name of the company and tell you where you can see my work. They are also making a DVD of their product and I will be getting creative credit on that as well. It is all quite overwhelming for me yet I am thrilled for the opportunities.
This past Tuesday I began teaching a stamping class at a recreation center in a neighboring town. This is in addition to the class I am doing at church. Slowly I am getting my name out there in an effort to rebuild my stamping business. Greg says I just need to tell them I am famous. Yeah right! As long as he thinks I am, it's good enough for me, lol!
Our bathroom is almost done. Greg has trim up now and the door is back on. He has some sanding and painting left but it is looking so nice! In fact it is so nice that now the rest of the house is screaming for paint. It can never just be one thing can it?
The boys are doing well. We went to Kaleb's school on Friday night for a family winter carnival. Greg volunteered to work one of the booths for part of the time and I made a basket of stamped items to donate to their basket auction. The boys played lots of games and had a good time.
Yesterday, I had some friends from Rochester come for a day of stamping. We had so much fun, the time just went by too fast.
Tomorrow the van has an appointment with the mechanic. Pray the repairs are manageable.
I hope you all are well. Remember, visitors are always welcome! Mom and Dad came for a few hours this afternoon, after church. It was short and sweet.
Blessings on your week!

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