Saturday, June 14, 2008

Flag Day

So....did you celebrate Flag Day yesterday?? I can't say I ever have before this year but it is yet another one of those "perks" when you move to the country. Mayberry RFD is what Linda calls it. The elementary school that Kaleb attends celebrated their 40th Flag Day parade. It is a town event. The streets were lined with people, the roads were blocked off, a newspaper guy was there to document it, all the fire trucks were polished to a high shine and the flags were waving. They went with a 60's theme this year so every class dressed a bit differently. One grade made these great vests out of paper bags that they painted red, white and blue. The 4th graders wore red, white and blue tie-dye t-shits and headbands. They also got to carry the flags from the 50 states. Kaleb carried New Jersey's flag. The 5th grade band marched and played at the head of the parade.
They marched from the school up to the main 4 corners of town. Kaleb said the flag got really heavy, lol! He's the one in the last photo, carryign the yellow flag. Click the photo for a bigger view.
Dad was here for a couple of days and sadly worked mostly by himself this time. Greg was tied up with a church retreat. He worked on walls and said we are just one coat of plaster away from being done. Praise the Lord!! I am eating, breathing and sleeping dust. I am not sure how to reclaim my house once this is done. One room at a time I guess. I stopped in at the kitchen store and our order is scheduled to arrive on Wednesdays truck. She told me we could have cabinets by Friday or the following Monday at the latest. There are still many things left to do and decide. We have no clue what is going down on the floor. But there seems to be an end in sight. We are so grateful for Dad's help and expertise. There is no way we would have dared to attempt this without him!!
On a smelly note, the neighbor kid decided he would let off a stink bomb IN our house today. I have no category for this but I am most definitely NOT pleased!

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