Monday, June 9, 2008

Drywall and Birthday Boy

I am slackin'! We have had a bit of a heat wave hit us and the humidity combined with the heat is just taking the life out of me. That is NY weather, 50's one day, 90's the next! Dad was here again for a few days and they made more progress on the kitchen. They took out the sink and last bit of counter by the window. The insulation came out so they could wire more electrical boxes. Now we are ready for the dishwasher, microwave and stove to go in....eventually! One of the problems we face has to do with our hot water baseboards. One of them had to be removed and one needs to be made shorter. The one that needed to be removed was right in front of the sink. Pastor Bills brother has offered to help us but he is busy for the next several weeks. Apparently Greg called him and asked "if I cut these pipes can you fix it later?" Daring man!! Well, the heat units are drained and the pipes are gone, ack! I hope he can truly fix it later or we will be freezing here come October.
Once all the electrical was in they put up new insulation and started to hang the drywall back up. They started some of the mudding but that will require several applications.

In the mean time, Josh turned 12! Yesterday was his birthday. Where does time go? Mom and Dad came by after church and took us out to lunch to celebrate. We got him a new bike, I will have to get a picture of him on it soon. His old one was broken and getting a bit small and with the summer still ahead of us, it was time. Mom and Dad gave him some camping items that he will need when he goes on his first boy scout trip this summer. The teens meet on Sunday nights so Greg arranged for them to have a pool party at the Pastor Bill's house and they combined that with a party for Josh. I bought a cake and Linda, PB's wife, put the word out that the kids were to bring a present for the birthday boy, a dollar store type of thing. The kids made a banner to hang on the pool fence. There were tons of kids and they had a fantastic time. The weather forecast was for thunderstorms but they held off until right after the party! The lightening was like a birthday fireworks display. It was a good day!

Have a great day!!

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