Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Crazy Ideas

We woke up to snow today and I don't like it!! Thankfully it will warm up in a day or two and it will all be gone. Winter just needs to be done, over, gone!
So by now most of you know I enjoy cooking and baking. I haven't had a lot of time for it lately with working but I can't stay away from it for long. The natives get restless and hungry and eventually tire of cereal at every meal. They haven't actually tired of cereal yet, that would indeed be a small miracle, lol! It's probably because we have thrown pizza into the mix a couple of times. I subscribe to the Taste of Home magazine and visit recipe sites on-line so there is no shortage of inspiring, mouthwatering recipes to try. I have a confession to make...I get fixated on strange things once in awhile. I will see an idea and no matter how strange or odd it may be, I want to try it. Last year it was making homemade vanilla. That has proven to be a great experiment and I have joyfully used it and given it away. I have gone through 2 full quart jars and better get started on a second batch before the last 2 quarts get used up! I know, THAT is a lot of vanilla!
Though I can no longer find the original source of my latest fixation, this new idea has stayed with me for several weeks, begging me to see it through. Are you intrigued yet?? The latest and greatest thing to come out of my kitchen is.......homemade marshmallows!! Get out, I know!! Who ever even had the thought that such a thing could be done?? I only use/eat marshmallow on rare occasion in Rice Krispy treats or when camping so why this idea held on so strong I have no idea. Greg thought I was out of my mind. I loved my brother Chris' response, "What?! Are store bought ones too expensive for you??" Smartie pants, lol!!! Though I often try to make my own version of things to save money, this time it wasn't about saving money. And I should add it was probably more expensive. But it had to be tried to see if fresher/homemade indeed equalled better in this case. And, like I said, I can become fixated and the only solution is to see it through and be done with it. After securing a few ingredients, I set out to make marshmallows last Saturday. Mix a bit of this, cook a bit of that, whip it all together. The KitchenAid stand mixer that Jon bought us as a wedding gift (almost 15 years ago!!) purred like a kitten on the counter that day. Oh the smell of sugar and vanilla was so incredible!!!! The only bummer was that after pouring the gooey bliss into a pan, it needed to sit for 10-12 hours before cutting and eating! Oh the torture of it all. At least it looked like marshmallows and I dearly hoped they would taste like marshmallows. Actually, I was hoping they tasted better! Check out the final result...

Incredible isn't it??? The recipe I chose filled a 9x13 pan and a loaf pan. In the end I couldn't wait to cut into the smaller batch. I took the cut up samples to church with me that afternoon. I walked up and down the aisle (before church started) handing out samples to folks. I caused a bit of a stir. It was pretty unanimous...they are awesome! I got lots of, "You MADE these??" Yep, in my magic kitchen! I was a hero and the kids kept coming back for more until every last bit was gone. I think all that sugar hyped people up for an even livelier worship time!!
I could share the recipe with you but then you would figure out I am not all that my husband hypes me up to be, lol!
Have a great day!

1 comment:

Elissa said...

you never cease to amaze me, tracy! wish we were there to sample them, they look amazing! i'm glad something white in your post was exciting. the snow?...not so much! thanks for making me feel better about our move today!