Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sing It...

One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong... Do you remember that Sesame Street tune? Can you guess what is different in the picture below?

If you guessed that Kaleb is the only one without glasses, you are correct! Kaleb wants you all to know he DOES belong though and we definitely agree!

Back in January I noticed that Greg was sometimes singing different words than what was projected on the screen. Not good when you are the worship leader, lol!! He was also straining when using his computer. I finally called and made us both appointments to see the eye doctor. It had been 3 years since my last exam so it was time. Well, my wonderful husband went straight to bi-focals!! He has had a bit of an adjustment but glasses have certainly helped his reading enjoyment.

Josh came home from school in February with a note from the nurse that he should see an eye doctor. After our trip to Myrtle Beach, we took him, and sure enough, he needed glasses. Actually, he only needed one glass but seventh graders aren't really into monocles these days! He never told us he was having trouble seeing at school, but now he says things are definitely better. He mostly wears them at school so around the house I forget he even owns glasses.

I apologize for being such a lax blogger. We are in a bit of a speed warp these days. I was working full time while my co-worker was away on vacation. All the while continuing to seek full time employment. It really puts a strain on the family and house! I have worked at various things to various degrees for many years but none of it has been consistent, full time work. Honestly, I don't like it! I don't like that it means I don't cook meals much anymore and that
the family is often scrounging for food because there isn't enough time to get to the grocery store. The kids are constantly asking where the clean cloths are. Plenty of families do it everyday and I hope to eventually adjust. For now, I am glad that Cindy is back from Florida!

Greg and Josh are very busy preparing for the mission trip to Mississippi. Greg is coordinating a team of about 25 from church to go to Pass Christian to help rebuild Katrina damaged homes. He took teens from Pearce there several years ago and this trip will be a mix of adults and kids. They depart on Easter Sunday afternoon and will return the following Sunday. Two weeks ago we held a spaghetti dinner fundraiser and this morning is a garage sale. Of course the whole week leading up to today has been consumed with preparations. Some of you may find a letter in your mailbox this week asking to help out. We are still a bit shy of the fundraising goal but I know God will provide for all their needs. Did you know there are still thousands of people living in FEMA trailers more than 3 1/2 years later?? Every year there seem to be new disasters and issues so for most people I am sure Katrina is not even on their minds anymore. But down there it continues to be a daily issue. This will be Josh's first trip of this kind. Kaleb and I will stay behind on this one. His birthday is that week so we have plans!

In other news, the snow is all melted! We have moved into spring and spring storms. Last night I heard a dripping noise in the kitchen and it wasn't coming from the sink! We have a leak up on the roof somewhere. Thankfully we caught it before any damage happened to our new kitchen ceiling! On the next fine day, Greg will have to get up onto the roof and do some repairs.

That is enough for today! Hopefully my next post won't take a month.
Blessings and love to you!!

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