Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Looking For...

an accountability partner. You have heard of those right? The people in your life that you give permission to be honest with you even when it hurts, the ones who steer you in the right paths, away from wrong paths and who hold you to your word.

Let me give you an example. When I was in high school my best friend and I held each other accountable in our Christian walks, in our relationships and even in our eating. We were both dieting and I gave Michelle permission to keep me accountable to eating the right foods. One day, I really, really, really (catching my desperation??) wanted an ice cream during lunch. I waited in line, purchased the ice cream and had it unwrapped already when I walked out of the line. Michelle spotted me across the cafeteria, ran towards me, grabbed the ice cream and slam dunked it into the trash!
Oh yes she did!!
WAS I TICKED?....You betcha!!
But she had done the exact thing I had given her permission to do.

That brings me to my current need. I need someone in my life who will never
and I mean never
allow me to have a weak moment again when I am begged to get a dog. Who knew they could have so many annoying habits? Who knew that dog hair would literally be everywhere, including getting in-grown into the skin of my feet like a sliver (3x's?!)? Who knew they would sniff you so much that the fibers on your clothes would come off?????? Ok, so maybe that last one was a bit of an exaggeration but not by much.

I think I need to write "The Dog Owners Reality Check" book. Think of the lives I could save! Don't believe the lies they tell you...."you'll love her, just wait and see" or "she'll grow on you". Yeah right. That is like the gals who are convinced that moving in together will make their guy only one step away from wanting to get married. Honey, I've got news for you... one has nothing to do with the other!

This is an important job so think seriously before you respond.

Oh yeah...dog lovers and those of you (you know who you are) who covertly or overtly aided and abetted the Harp family in the procurement of current black lab, need not apply.



mtmind said...

Don't let Daisy hear you talking about her like that. I guess I can't get on your list before I would say get another dog to keep her company.

Anonymous said...

Oh Tracy...I am SOOOO not a dog person! When I was single, someone encouraged me to make a list of the qualities I was looking for in a man. On the list was someone who would be happy to NEVER own a dog! (I'm mostly afraid of them but I can't stand the smell, the hair, the sniffing of the crotch, etc.)

I'm sorry you caved to the pressure your family put on you. I can only hope that they realize the extent of your love for them in agreeing to get "man's best friend."


Alexis said...

My husband has twice (so far) gotten hair "slivers" in his foot. He blames the cat. I didn't buy it, considering how soft her fur is in comarison to the dogs. I laughed out loud reading your post and then had to read it to him!!!