Sunday, March 30, 2008


We're still here! Just a bit busy, as I am sure most of you are. I hope you had a nice Easter. We did. Mom and Dad came for dinner and we had a wonderful meal and a relaxing afternoon. Church was rather full, that was nice too.
I thought I would share some of the pictures we took while we were at my brothers. It was Ethan's 3rd birthday. We drove down on Friday and spent the night. My mom has found someone to help her get onto the internet occasionally so these are really for her! Everyone wave "hi" to my mom in Germany!
Ethan gets so charged up when he knows we are coming. Well, truthfully, it is all about Josh and Kaleb, I think we are mostly just transportation! He does enjoy his Aunt Tracy and Uncle Greg, but the cousins....well, they rate HUGE. I am so glad they have opportunities to spend time together.
His party was Toy Story themed. Melissa made this awesome space ship cake and Ethan LOVED it! It had to be kept on top of the refrigerator so the dog wouldn't get any funny ideas but Ethan took every opportunity to pull up the chair and get close to it. He would explain every last important detail of the cake, eh, I mean space ship.

Kaleb and I had some huggy time.

And we can't forget to show off the little guy! Logan is growing so fast. He was about 3 1/2 months old when we were there. He was starting to laugh that sweet new baby laugh. I love how easily they can be entertained at that age. He was very alert for good chunks of time.
Greg decided it was time to paint our bedroom. We are still on hold with the kitchen and I think he was feeling antsy. It looks like the most of the house got a quick, aka lousy, whitewashing before we bought it. White walls can get boring fast, even more so when they are poorly done. Boy, what a difference a coat of paint can make! Greg was up until about 10 last night putting the first coat of paint on so we ended up sleeping in the living room. Kinda like a sleep over but now that we are older the body doesn't handle the floor as well, lol!
The boys are doing well. Kaleb is really looking forward to his trip with Mom in couple of weeks. They are headed to Louisville to see Katy and Uncle Ed. Josh, Greg and I will be headed to PA for 3 days for a ministry conference.
Hope you are all well, {{{hugs}}}

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