Sunday, March 9, 2008

Man Down and Lots of Snow

Well, last week I said we were all healthy. That was short lived. We have a man down...poor Josh has the stomach flu. He came home early from school on Friday with a fever and by the end of the night had gotten sick. He broke blood vessels around his eyes from all the vomiting. It looks like he was in a fight and got the bad end of it to boot! He is slowly on the mend and the rest of us are praying he doesn't share it with us.
The big news here is the snow. It snowed here from Friday mid day until sometime during the wee hours of Sunday morning. Niagara County averaged about 15"-20"of snow. It is a sight that is for sure! We have had someone come plow us out twice and in between Greg tried to keep up with the snowblower. On his last effort, flames began to shoot out of the snowblower. I am guessing that is bad. He thought so too so he shut it down.
Most churches around were closed today but we still had a fair number of folks show for service. We actually had several new people today! You never know.
Not much else to share this week. We are hanging in there. We hope you are well in your corner of the world. (Leanne---I am ready to fly your way any day now, I could go for some gool 'ol Florida sunshine right about now=))


gloria said...

Wow! Pretty impressive!!
Hope Josh is feeling better soon!

Melanie said...

That is amazing! It's hard to imagine that much snow on the ground...spring is definitely on it's way here!
Hope that the boys are enjoying it. And I'll be praying for Josh these next coupla days.
I love reading your blog. It's a blessing! =]