Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tree Down!

What have we been up to?? At the moment, a big tree is messing up our yard and clean up is a long and hard task. I wish I had taken a before picture of the massive willow tree in our back yard. In many ways it was a beautiful tree and it was sad to cut it down. Greg figures it may have been 75' tall and the diameter of the trunk is probably 5'. Unfortunately, it was near our septic system and willows have lots of far reaching, invasive roots. We are hoping it hasn't already done damage. This was a case of sellers leaving a problem to the next guy. And we are next guy #4! The man who installed the septic system in 2001 told us he had advised the home owners to take down the tree then but they were moving so why bother?? Arghhhh!! We couldn't afford to have the tree completely taken care of so we just had someone come cut it down. As it was, we knew a guy at church who was willing to give us a break. Now we are working on cutting it all up and hauling the limbs and wood away. And then we still have the problem of what to do with the massive truck still left. Some of the suggested ideas include building a tree house on it, blowing it up, praying it will fall over on its own and some other equally unhelpful ideas. Greg and the boys made as much fun out of the work as they could. This was day one of clean up. They rigged a tarp to pull all the limbs up to the front of the yard. On the way back, they got to ride the tarp. I bet we could make a new rural sport out of this one, lol! The boys love getting to drive around the lawn too. This past week Pastor Bill came over with his chain saw and large trailer and we got a lot done. But there is much left yet.
I will be back in a few days with a special report!
Blessings and hugs to you!

1 comment:

teach4mrs.h said...

"Ride the Harp Tarp" looks like fun! We have four guys here that would love to take a ride! :-)
Love to all!!!!
The Hamiltons