Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy July!

Wow, time flies sometimes. So the last time I posted Joshua was at the woodturners convention with mom and dad. The night before they returned home dad was admitted to a hospital in the area and liked it so well he stayed for more than a week! I am sure he wouldn't agree that he like it so well, lol. It was several days of up and down news but I am happy to report he is now home. Since I am sure he doesn't want me telling the world his troubles, you will have to call him to chat about it. Since they had Josh with them, Greg drove down to the DC area to pick him up. Since it was such a long drive, he spent the night with cousin Jennifer and family and had time to visit with dad at the hospital. Once he was reassured it was okay to return, he and Josh made the 8 hour drive home. It is never fun to be in a hospital, let alone when you are away from home. Being able to stay at Jennifers house was a huge help. (all of us up here are waving hi to Caitlyn and the gang)
We continue to make slow progress on the kitchen. I am trying hard not to set my expectations too high for a completion time. Every turn brings some new challenge. Greg and I added a textured finish to the ceiling partly in an effort to give uniformity to it. The kitchen had a flat painted surface but the bedroom we opened into did not. Add to that the very slight seam where the wall was and it seemed best to do a textured thing. Greg put on the goop and I used the texture brush and all was going along so nicely. You know there is a but here, don't you? But then large portions of it came down. UGH!!! It seems one of the layers on the bedroom ceiling at one time must have been wallpapered or painted with glossy paint so it wouldn't stick. It was so frustrating. What should have been an afternoon job turned into 4 days of patching and fixing. As I write this, it is all done except one corner that needs a final coat of paint. We painted the walls with one coat of tinted primer. The final color will be a darker, warmer yellow. We will probably cut in with the first coat of paint tonight after Greg is done with work.
Just for fun, I thought I would show you the sea of boxes in our garage. This folks, is the cabinet puzzle that we have to solve! We are hoping to start installing them this weekend but like I said, I have to be careful about setting plans. At this point it is unlikely we will finish in time for my mothers arrival on the 16th. Oh well!

The boys are off today to hang out with Pastor Bills family at LCC family camp. We will pick them up on Friday. They will most likely see old friends there and will have a fabulous time.
If you need Greg or I, you know where to find us ;).
Blessings to you and yours this week!

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