Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Happy Note, fa la la la la

Last night both boys had their holiday band concerts. Luckily they were at the same place and not at the same time! The fifth grade band started it off and did a great job. You can see Kaleb in the percussion section getting ready. We weren't allowed to use flash cameras so we only managed a couple of decent photos. Greg and I sat up in the balcony since that is about the only place you can get a good view of the back of the band. It is cool to see them perform because you finally have proof that they are making progress! Often times their practice at home doesn't seem to amount to much or sound like much. But at the concert it all comes together. They actually do know what they are doing...amazing!

We did get one shot of both boys before the concert. Look at those sharp white shirts and ties.

Thursday nights at our house is often the one night during the week that we are all home together. Tonight, though, Greg had a Boy Scout meeting to go to. Josh worked on more wood turning gifts so Kaleb and I hit the flour and sugar and made cookies. We did 3 different batches. Actually, he helped with the first one and then lost interest until it was time to come to sample the others. Typical! As soon as they cool, they are going in the freezer for Christmas. Otherwise I will be back doing it all again next week.


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