Thursday, August 28, 2008

Let the Games Begin!

Did you watch the Olympics? We watched a good portion of them and I thought they were incredible. What a human being is capable of boggles the mind!

Well, in honor of the Olympics, we embarked on some new sporting activities. These are no ordinary events and perhaps should not be tried at home. If you should not heed previous advice we accept absolutely no responsibility for possible injury, dismemberment, humiliation or death.

Game 1: The Human Hamster Wheel

Blow up giant water ball, crawl inside and proceed to spin around. If this becomes too mundane, try rolling it off the dock while inside. No persons were injured in the taking of this footage.
Game 2: Across Lake Swim
Eat a big breakfast and decide to swim across lake, a 1 1/4 mile distance. Decide swimming on calm lake is for wimps so add in rough waters and wind. Don't factor in swimming against current in original plans. Chris, Melissa and Greg set out for a "1 hour" swim. Two and a half hours later Greg and Melissa made it, Chris cramped up, Ethan peed over the side of the boat twice (once into the wind ;)), Kaleb whined (a lot), we all were parched and got sun burned. No persons were permanently injured in this event.
Game 3: Kayak Pulling Races
Assist swimmers in the above mentioned game by following alongside for safety. Fill fishing boat with "helpers". Reach other side of boat with 3 tired swimmers and one kayak rider. Realize you can't fit everyone in boat for return ride. Drag extras behind boat in kayak and try not to drown them.
Game 4: Corn Hole
Pitch bean bags into the hole in a board....for hours. Score 21 points first to win. Although no bodies were hurt in this event, there was plenty of aggravation, frustration and general upset by certain losing parties. Ahem, no names, please.
Game 5: ???
Spend 6 days relaxing by the lake. Get bored. Maybe experience heat/sun stroke. Take your nephew's bitty bike and ride it off the dock. Ensure your ultimate safety by wearing a life jacket! Hurry up and return bike to shore before nephew wakes from nap and freaks out!
I have hope that some of these events may some day make it to the Olympic line-up. What do you think?

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