Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tip #9- The Christmas Letter

The Christmas cards and letters are slowly starting to trickle into our mailbox. It is the one time of year we hear from many out of town friends and family. I really enjoy reading what everyone has been up to, seeing the photos and how the kids have grown. We hang the photos so it is almost like you are near! We also pray for you as we read them over.

I am going to share one of my pet peeves with you. Ready? Getting Christmas cards with just a signature. Now this does not apply to local people I see regularly or friends/family we keep in touch with. Rather to those who we rarely have contact with any other time. It is such a let down. I am glad you thought enough to send us a card but I want more! How are you? What is new in your life? A signature tells me nothing more than you're alive. Now that I have that off my chest...

The flip side of getting the cards, letters and photos is sending them. I schedule Christmas card making sessions both in Rochester and Ransomville. This year, between the two locations, I had more than 25 stampers attend in October and again in November. I cut and prepared more than 600 cards! Do you know how many I have completed for my own personal use? Maybe 15. I have a bit to do still, lol. For many years now I have put my time and energy into writing a family Christmas letter. It is a task that hangs over my head a bit until I get it done but I have to tell you that I so enjoy writing it. It's like the ornaments. Writing the letter brings back memories. We get so busy with the day to day that it is easy to forget all that we accomplished, endured, overcame, learned, enjoyed, and experienced. Writing our letter gives me time to sit and reflect. Without fail, I am amazed at what transpires in a years time. The many ways we have been stretched and blessed. It is not a bragging session but rather an opportunity to share our lives with our loved ones. For a brief moment I hope to narrow the gap of time and miles that separate us.

I wish I was good at scrapbooking or journaling. I like the concept of both but don't do either of them. This blog and our Christmas letters sort of serve to fulfill both those things. We keep a copy of the letters and someday they may be fun for us to go back and read. Even if I never sent them, I would still write them. They help to remind me that God is faithful. That life is rich. It reminds me to be thankful for many, many things and to offer praise to the giver of those gifts. It helps prepare my heart for the celebration of Christmas.

I encourage you to write a family letter if you don't already. Even if it is just for yourself. Reflect. Be encouraged. Be thankful. Give praise.

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